Sunday, May 16, 2010

Summer Time....

and the living is easy. Too easy. I am so bored. Another semester has come and gone. I am so close to being done with my degree. I can not wait for classes to start again. I'm taking Creative Writing and World Lit. It is going to be amazing!

I ended Spring semester with all As, which means I have maintained my 4.0 (go me). I was also elected president of Phi Theta Kappa, which is pretty exciting. I love this group and we are going to do great things!

My grammy is going to be in GA on wednesday for my brother's high school graduation this week. HOW CRAZY! I am so proud of him. I can't believe he is going to be 18 next month and be a college student with me in the Fall. He's graduating with honors. Go Adam!

I know this was a pretty lame blog, void of my usual wit, but it's late... so more later.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I overestimated my inner strength

I've never been one to let others get me down. I've always made my own joy, and I seldom find such a dark spot that I cannot lighten it with the bleach of my spirit. Yet I find myself staring painfully at this growing blotch of the blackest ink and for the life of me, though I can hold the borders from running too fast and too far, cannot even smudge away a bit of the color in this stain. It mocks me and tells me I am foolish to believe in the inborn goodness of people and the silver lining. It laughs at my love-the-world attitude and points out just how far away those stars I'm reaching for really are. It is the ugliest and worst spot of blackest black I have ever encountered, and if I could just figure out the right combination to blot it out for good I think everything would be just fine. Everything could be just fine. Everything might be fine if I just.... everything, yes everything is fine.....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm getting bad at this

I keep forgetting to blog. I know that no one's day is incomplete without my blog. I'm not some literary genius that leaves my readers begging for more. But for posterity's sake I do feel like I should be a little better balanced on the ball, so to speak.

Things of recent importance:

School is going well. My Music Appreciation class was a complete nightmare, but I got out alive and with an A. The teacher was an awful and mean shrew, but she could not bring me down. I defeated the dragon! Now I am only in Comp II, Spanish II, and Computer Science. English and Spanish are in the bag, of course (knock on wood), but this Computer Science is kicking my behind. I am so not on this level of thinking. I'm not even in the same building, or the same town as these concepts for that matter. After I read my textbook or work on a project I honestly feel physically exhausted and stupid. If I pull a B out in this class it will be from my behind. I hope I can pull it off.

Also, in the world of academics, I have been invited to join Phi Theta Kappa (right?) and I think I am going to accept. I researched it extensively online and it gets really great reviews as being helpful to students and Alumni on many levels. I'm going for it. I'm a natural joiner and participator anyway.

In bigger news:

My baby is ONE! I can't even understand or comprehend that it has been an entire year since I was laid up in the hospital hallucinating cardboard cutouts of women and hyperventillating from a bad pain med reaction. I cannot fathom that it has been a whole year since I undressed nervously in the delivery room bathroom and looked at my big baby belly for the last time. I am reflecting back on those little memories when my life was so drastically changed in one weekend.

They tell you a baby changes everything, and of course it makes complete sense. But you cannot fully understand what that means until it happens. I had a gradual 9 months to get used to the idea of being a mother, of loving someone more than anyone in the world, of putting my needs on the back burner. But even these things are magnified ten-fold when they slop that messy baby on your chest and you see the face you have been longing to gaze upon for 40 weeks. This little person is entirely yours for better or worse, and you are so blessed whether you know it or not. He changed me. I am hardly anything like the girl I was before I gave birth. Sure, I was 24 and a respected professional adult. But I do not feel like I became a woman until I became someone's mother.

He has changed my priorities. He has changed my relationships to my parents and my boyfriend/his father. He has changed my spiritual point of view. He has changed how I deal with problems, what I think is worth fretting over and what I no longer think is such a big deal. He has changed my set of friends, my maturity level, my tolerance for others, and even my body. Nothing is the same. And I'm okay with that.

I won't lie. There are days that I wish I could go back to everything being about me. There are times when my friends are out having a blast and doing what I had intended on doing during this phase of my life that I mourn the loss of fun, careless nights. I feel guilty when I feel this way, and that's normal. I don't regret having my son, and those pangs of regret that pop up are completely drowned out by the song of his laughter.

My son. He is everything I never knew I always wanted. He is everything I needed. I realize now that these years are going to pass by all too quickly. I wish I could bask in his innocent smile and bright, amazed eyes for all of eternity. But I know that I cannot. Instead I will record these thoughts that I might remember to cherish every moment, good or bad. Even when I am tearing my hair out, exhausted and sick of him, I hope that I remember that one day he will not be my little man. He will be a college student, a professional, a husband, a father, and I will not be the person he comes home to anymore.

For now, though, he makes me feel like life is perfect even when it is so very flawed.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Just musing

     Most of the time when I finish watching a movie I wish it could keep on going so I would know exactly what happens to all the characters fo rthe rest of forever. Seldomn do movies go that far, and when they do it can be traumatic, like Immortal Beloved. However, I just feel like I need all these loose ends to be tied that most movie-makers leave dangling uselessly as the credits begin to roll. I was especially thinking of this while I watched My Girl 1 and 2 on Saturday.
     When I was a kid My Girl was one of my favorite movies, and Veda my favorite character of all times. I think she ranks pretty high to this day. I was just like her at that age, full of spunk and tenacity, wise beyond my years. I wanted to be her, and mostly I was. People would even tell me I looked like "the little girl from My Girl", and that was perhaps the best compliment my 7 year old ears had ever heard. With so much potential, there was no doubt in my mind that Veda would be going places and I would be trotting along behind her, eagerly awaiting the next adventure. But there never was a My Girl 3, and maybe I can blame that fact on losing my way. For even a headstrong girl with such radiance needs encouragement and a firm hand to guide her along the rougher terrain.
     So maybe it's better that they didn't make a third. Because for all we know, Nick (My Girl 2 love interest) could have convinced Veda to move to California where she fell in with the wrong crowd. She might have started off right, but some whim (as often comes to girls of our nature) probably pulled her off the Ivy League path toward some uncertain adventure. Before she can blink twice she's down to her elbows in soapy dishes and up to her ears with regret, listening to a crying baby in the background and staring listelessly out the window wondering if Nick will even be home tonight. What-Might-Have and What-Should-Have-Been are relentlessly gnawing at her ankles and whispering their angry, hateful words behind her back.
      I suppose Hollywood-Folk know that movie magic can only take you so far before the characters must be thrown into the real world, and that rarely makes for a heart-warming story. Still, I can't help but wonder if somewhere out in Movieland Veda is living the life of our childhood dreams, or suffering a fate similar to the rest of us. I'm not sure which outcome would make me feel better.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Back into high gear

Spring semester is finally underway. I was beginning to feel useless again, but I am back in class and have returned to my element. I'm taking Comp II with the same great professor I had for Comp I. This time it's a full term class, so it won't be so much work all at one time. My other classes are Computer Science (lame), Music Appreciation (unsure of the level of lame), and Spanish 2001 and 2002. The latter three classes are half term, so there is quite a bit going on. The Spanish is a little over my head, but as my memory jogs with each assignment I see some improvement. I just need to pass with an A, is that so much to ask of myself? I wasn't eligible for Hope Scholarship this semester. My GPA is back up, but I haven't attempted enough credit hours since I lost it. My finaid advisor told me I can get it next semester, which will be awesome!

I am so proud of this next bit of news. Christopher is now enrolled in Darton as well! His major is Health and Physical Education. For those of you that know him, is it not a great career choice for him? He'll get to play all day long! Plus, we might be able to one day get a job at the same school, making life easier. See how we plan? Genius! He will be starting half-time on March 4th, so everyone wish him luck. I think he is a bit nervous.

I have started an event coordinator business. It's unofficial at this point, but I did have my first event last weekend. It was so great. I did a studio/gallery opening for Ana Edwards Photography. She bought a new place, and it is GORGEOUS! Seriously, check it out. It's located on 109 Branchview in Leesburg, GA. The party was a hit, and I met a lot of really great people. I had a blast. Even if I hadn't been the coordinator I probably would have gone and had so much fun. I made some KILLER double lemon cookies. I mean Betty Crocker herself would have been jealous at my mad skills. Anyway, my business is Elegant Events, and I truly am the best. Hire me. Tell your friends. You will not be disappointed. I really should make a facebook for it in order to network a little. Maybe that can happen this weekend. I'm a busy bee!

Gavin is back in daycare. He is now 10 months old and such a big boy! He eats generally what we eat every night. Last night we had sloppy joes and the night before was shepherd's pie. He makes a HUGE mess, but he's learning! Tonight we're having ribeyes and twice baked potatoes so he'll have to eat some Gerber Stage 3 unfortunately... but I'm sure I will sneak him some potato. He has 4 teeth, the bottom middle 2, and now the canines... it's pretty funny. My little vampire man!!! I'll get some pictures up soon. Well, I'm sure there's something else I ought to be doing. Bye for now.