Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Road Blocks and Great Family

I really don't mean to write everyday, but lately there just seems to be a lot flying at me. So for an update on my new path in life: I am trying really hard to get everything organized to start Darton College on October 12th and of course the devil is working just as hard to throw obstacles in front of my feet. He hasn't tripped me yet, though! Take that, Satan! Wannabe!
I sent in all my forms, but I feel like it's really taking forever to get everything processed. I am still waiting for them to receive my college transcripts and immunization records. Once that happens I will finally be able to register for classes. I just don't want too much time to go by and end up having to postpone this. You know once classes are announced for registration it's like a pack of wild dogs is unleashed upon the courses offered, and if you're a slow puppy then you can forget it! Luckily for me, I have to pretty much take EVERYTHING, so I should get to squeeze in to the classes I need.
I spoke to someone in the Online Department today and he warned me that going full time during the B term is like working 2 full time jobs... which means I was right about needing Gavin to be put in daycare while I do this. I don't mind the work though. Praise the Lord for deciding to make me a giant nerd! Anyway, I am a very prompt, if not gratingly early kind of person, so this whole ordeal with waiting for my paperwork to go through has me biting my beautifully manied nails!
The second issue is the financial aid. I have ZERO dollars to put towards school at this point, and I am so afraid that my Pell grant won't process in time, or won't cover the whole year with books included. If it didn't I honestly would not be able to go. I don't have a job, and my unemployment check barely pays the bills I owe. Add Gavin's daycare to that and we are talking financial meltdown! I just do not want to be derailed. I need some angel to send me money in an unmarked envelope like in those cheesy email forwards we all love to read. So Angel, if you are a blogger, send your donation to 1509 South County Line Rd. Albany, GA 31705. This is NOT my house so don't be trying to stalk me, crazy non-angel freaks!!! Haha I am just joking about all that, but wouldn't it be nice? The REAL trouble will come when my unemployment runs out. I don't even want to think about that right now, lest I scare myself into dropping the whole endeavor!
I am sticking to it, right now. I know I can make this work. The Lord will provide a way, like He always has and always will. If anyone can find me a good verse about trusting God in this situation I would love to have it to meditate on.

The other big deal is something that I know the Lord has brought to me to heal me, and I am endlessly thankful. Last year in September my younger cousin Alexa was killed in a horrible car accident. I can't describe her to you in any words that will do her justice. She is one of those people you thank God for, just because you know them. I truly feel like I was blessed and honored to have been a part of her life, albeit shorter than any of us could have imagined. The hardest part for me is living in Georgia and having no one from that side of my family by my side ro grieve with. I wasn't able to attend her services, and I feel like I was not provided a venue to get any closure. I think about her everyday, and my heart literally aches when I do. It still isn't real to me, because I haven't been back home to experience her lack of presence. WELL anyway, last night I received an event invitation to a memorial being held in her honor. Knowing I wouldn't able to attend brought all those feelings flooding back, and eventually falling from my eyes. At about 2 am I changed my status to reflect how it made me feel to again miss a chance at closure.
This morning my phone rang at about 8 am. It was my Aunt Deb, Alexa's mother. She and my grandmother were willing to fly me and my son to Vermont for the memorial! I couldn't believe it! I am so homesick (but that's a different blog) and this is such a perfect time to take a mini visit back home.
PAUSE: Gavin is chewing on the coffee table leg!
Okay, he's fine. Crazy child.
Back to the subject at hand; I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family that loves me so much! Words can not express what it means to me to be going back home for a few days. At this point nothing matters and nothing can rain on my parade! I am going home, and I am going to visit Lexi. It won't be easy, and I'm sure I'll be drained emotionally... not to mention taking Gavin on a plane by myself, but I can not wait!


  1. Court!
    One thing you HAVE to remember is everything will work out with God's perfect timing. Everyone goes through hard times (trust me I'm the master of bad luck) but you have to keep your head up and stay strong and just pray. Turn to Him and He will guide you through everything. I love you and everything will be fine!

  2. Thanks Beena! I am trying to stay positive. I know He will make this happen if it's supposed to.

  3. 25“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

    Matthew 6:25-27 (Woood)

  4. That is a great verse! I need to print it out and hang it on the wall or something! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to this life? Yeah exactly! How true. Good one.


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