Saturday, October 3, 2009

Busy Bees!

It's been a crazy week. We got home late on Tuesday night from Vermont, and the Gavin had a rough night. Wednesday we had family portraits done by Ana Edwards. I've only seen 5 of them, but they are amazing! I can't wait to get them back. Gavin was grmpy the whole time, so we didn't get as many of his as I would have liked. My mom had to take him inside and put him to sleep, but it was still a lot of fun and I know we got some great shots.
Thursday I went to Darton to register for classes. Stupid, vain Courtney wore heels! I walked all over the place since I had to park approximately 46 miles away from any building. I waited in an equally long line once inside the Administration building which lead to someone handing me a piece of paper allowing me to wait in another line. At the end of that line they signed the paper I was given in the first line, which then allowed me to walk across campus to a third line. Once I was assisted I was led down some hallways until finally I met someone who registered me for classes. It was quite a process! But finally, I am registered for 12 credit hours in the b-term, an academic suicide in some people's eyes. However, I need to go fulltime in order to get that unemployment check!
I'm also get a good amount back from Pell. Unfortunately, between books and daycare it's all gone. (PS I just realized my paragraphs are not separated at any logical point. Oh well!) Anyway, money money money. I hate it. I really wsh we could go back to a time when we traded goods or services. American money is essentially not worth the paper it's printed on, so why bother? I mean really think about the concept of money. It's paper... and we accept it in exchange for things that actually have value. Whose idea was this?! Even if our money was worth the gold it's supposed to represent, what is gold but metal rocks from the ground? Well, I dont want a heap of metal for what I have to offer. It's such a strange idea if you really think down into it. It's almost obsolete. That doesn't matter though, because we'll always be working for money and exchanging it for goods and services. Plus, I have no marketable skills to offer, and I don't raise livestock. I most certainly do not farm crops. So really, this is the only system I can work with. Forget everything I said. I don't want to trade goods... I have nothing to trade!
That's just about all the news in my world. I am finally a student! I ordered 3 books and already spent 100 bucks, but that's just the name of the game!

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